First impressions are critical when a prospective tenant inspects your Auckland property.


First, decide what sort of tenant you are targeting.

There are tenants who want to save money and are happy to live in a property that is not in first-class condition. There are others, who are happy to pay top dollar, but expect the property to present at its absolute best.

There is no doubt that well-presented properties achieve top rents and usually attract the best quality tenants. That adds up to a higher investment return, together with fewer and shorter vacancy periods.

Here are some valuable rental property presentation tips:


1. Tend the gardens, mow the lawns and clean the windows, paths, gutters and outside paintwork. These are all things seen from the street, and you don’t want prospective tenants to dismiss the property before getting to the front door.


2. Repair or replace leaking taps, sticking doors, broken light fittings, loose door handles, rotten floorboards, leaky gutters and torn flyscreens.


3. Painting. If you are thinking about painting, only paint those areas that really need it unless you plan on a total repaint. A new quality paint-job will definitely lift a property, however, if you only do certain areas it may cause the untouched areas to look worse. Use light, neutral colours as strong colours may not be to the tenant’s taste. If the paint is generally in good condition, maybe minor touch-ups are all that is required.


4. If your property is in a noisy area (such as a main road) this may affect the demand for the property. However, this could be a perfect property for a shift worker who is at work during peak traffic periods.


5. Eliminate odours that you may not notice but prospective tenants will, such as cigarette or pet smells. We recommend having the carpets and curtains cleaned, neither of which is very expensive.


6. Have the property clean, tidy and uncluttered at inspection times.


7. If your property has a pool, ensure the pool and the surrounds are sparkling clean. You want the prospective tenants to think it is an asset, not a burden. If the filter or the pool needs professional repairs, it is better to do it now rather than putting it off. The repairs are usually tax-deductible.


8. Ensure that all electrical wiring and power points are safe. This includes any electrical appliances that are included with the property.

These tips should help you know what to look out for before inviting tenants for inspections. Dependable and considerate tenants are key to making sure your investment property is well looked after, and attracting the right people can help you rent out your Auckland property faster.

Are you looking for reliable tenants to rent your Auckland property? Do you need them fast?

Contact the team at UNO Property Management Specialists. We have dedicated letting specialists working on your property to find a good tenant within the shortest period of time possible. Showing 6 days a week, we prioritise renting out properties faster, so that you do not lose income while a property is sitting vacant. 


Call us now on 09 361 7707 or email us

Find us at Ground Floor, 2/14 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, Auckland

Uno Property Management

Uno Property Management
At Uno Property, we believe we are a great company. Sure, we pride ourselves on being driven to achieve success, but we’re also a company of genuine, committed people who know that success is a two-way street. We Win and Lose With You!

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