-There are somethings that are worth paying for…
Today, the average house price in the Auckland region is around $1.5 million. The landlords who have already paid a high price definitely want to get a good return on their investments.
There are a lot of property management companies with huge discrepancies in the quality of service provided. Staff shortage and high turnover in general, present unprecedented challenges for our industry which inevitably affect the quality of service.
With a lot of tenants knowing more about the law than many landlords today, it is important to choose a professional management company to make the right decisions, no matter if it’s a small decision or a big one.
If you just want to get a low management fee without considering the professionalism and the quality of the service, it may give you unpredictable losses and risks.
Recently, we just took over some properties from other property management companies and here are some findings.
- In one case, the rents haven’t been reviewed and increased for over three years, which are already below the market price, while the tenant didn’t pay the water bills for 1.5 years. No proactive actions were taken. To be honest, the landlord has lost much more than the management fee that they perceived to have saved!
- Some properties we took over now 2022 still do not have insulation and smoke alarms installed. Most of the properties we took over did not meet the current healthy home standards. The potential fines can be up to $10,000 for these offenses.
- What’s worse, some properties weren’t inspected when changing to new tenants. The bond is not transferred from the old tenant to the new tenant’s name, which ultimately would cost the landlords when there is a dispute.
Uno Property Management Specialists aim to provide first-class service and protect the rights of landlords.
- Uno is 100% focused on Property Management.
- A member of REINZ and LPMA, our property managers get training over 140 hours every year.
- Fluent in Chinese, easy to communicate
- During the Lockdown period, we successfully rented out 50 properties through video and Youtube live broadcast.
- We work on Saturdays to conduct open homes.
- Rent and water bill arrears rate is less than 1%
- Vacancy rate is less than 0.65%.
- 100% Service satisfaction guarantee. (If at any point you are not entirely happy with our service, we will refund you that month’s fees. No strings attached)
*************************We prepare a surprise for you at the end of the article*************************
Uno Property Management Ltd was initially established in 2009 and has been running business under a chain brand for many years. At the end of 2015, the company left the chain brand in order to pursue greater growth and then established Uno Property Management Specialists with the same staff. The company is located in Auckland Eden Business Park – Normanby Road.
Providing first-class property management services to Chinese landlords in Auckland: Protecting landlord’s rights and interests, and improving returns.
– Protecting landlord’s rights and interests: considering the problems from the landlord’s perspective and maximizing the interests of the landlord in any situation.
– Improve returns: Increase revenue and reduce risk from every management step.
Top 10 reasons to choose Uno Property Management to manage investment Property
- Since 2009, unlike most of our competitors, we have focused solely on residential property management. Our core business and 100% focus is looking after your investment property.
- More than 200 properties are added each year, with a recommendation rate of over 30% from existing clients.
- GOOGLE reviews 4.7 stars with over 100 reviews.
- The vacancy rate for the past 24 months is 0-0.1%.
- 98.5% of tenants pay their rent on time.
- The host online platform guarantees you 24/7 access to your information – under control!
- Cloud video and live viewings and rentals – even during lockdown, our occupancy rates are faster and rents higher!
- We will arrange viewing on Saturday – can effectively reduce the vacant time of the property and help you achieve more income!
- We will video link you with property inspections and major maintenance items – looking after your investment!
- Number 10 is actually number one and the biggest asset in your long-term investment journey: OUR TEAM!
We have the best staff and stable team in this industry and focus on talent development, investing in learning and training on legislative changes so that compliance is handled for you. Our property managers are professionally trained to fight for your best interest in the tenancy tribunal.
You could get a $600 petrol card if you sign a management contract with us today.
Offer Deadline: 31 March 2022