Dear valued clients,
After an incredibly successful yet challenging year, our office will be closed from Friday 24th December 2021 and reopens on Monday 10th January 2022, when standard business hours will resume.
All of our team will be off duty except for dealing with emergencies. Here are some key information you need to know:
1. We advised your tenant of our hours and the process for any Emergency Maintenance during this period.
2. After renting out 50 properties in the last 40 days, We will not be able to conduct any letting service between 24 December 2021 to 9 January 2022. All the advertising will be withdrawn on the 24 Dec and relisted on the 10th Jan 2022.
3. Owner payment for December 2021 will be processed on 10th January 2022. Rent received from 1st Jan 2022 to 15th Jan 2022 will be processed and paid to you on Monday 17th Jan 2022.
4. Our team will not be checking wechat, email or phone in this time so that we can come back in January refreshed and energies to improve our service to you even better.
5. Our property manager on duty is Amber Chen and Marcus Wong for emergency maintenance only: 0211604332 (Emergency only) . Alternatively you can contact our managing Director Monica Chen on 0275599296 (Emergency only)
Lastly, team Uno Property would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday!
Yours sincerely
Uno Property Management